7 FAQs to Ask Your Expat Therapist Before Moving Abroad

Personal Online Therapy
5 min readMay 24, 2024

Have you suddenly had an opportunity to move abroad? If yes, make sure you see an expat therapist before making the big move.

The world has witnessed remarkable changes in recent years. With a boom in opportunities worldwide, people are moving and settling abroad like never before. Also, today, traveling abroad has become extremely easy, thanks to brilliant developments and advancements in transportation.

But are they just factors like opportunities, availability of resources like money, developed transportation, etc., that facilitate moving abroad? Are there any personal or individual factors that should be taken into consideration before leaving for abroad? The answer is yes; there are such factors as personal or individual or whatever one can correctly call them. In fact, one’s factors, such as health, quality of life, circumstances, etc., are more important than any other factor.

Now you may have all the resources and may be all set to begin life abroad. So why not do one last important thing? Why not see an expat therapist to ensure that your life overseas is incredibly smooth and satisfying? See an expat therapist, seek convincing answers to your questions, and decide what’s best for you concerning life abroad.

Now let us have a look at the FAQs or generally asked questions that you should ask an expat therapist.

7 FAQs You Should Ask an Expat Therapist Before Settling Abroad

How They Have Helped Expatriates Fight Homesickness and Cope With Adjustment Issues

One of the most difficult challenges faced by an expatriate is homesickness. Homesickness is a feeling of intense longing for home. It can also be defined as the inability to stay away from home. The feeling of homesickness can lead to emotional distress or instability, which affects the overall well-being of a person. How efficiently an expat therapist has helped their client fight homesickness speaks a lot about their ability. It will also let you know if their ways and strategies will help you or not.

What Experience They Have Working With Expatriates or Individuals Living Abroad

Shouldn’t there be some convincing testimony to the ability of an expat therapist as an expat therapist? Definitely, there should be. As someone considering moving abroad, you should ask the expat psychologist how much experience they have with expatriates. You should also ask them what kind of experience they have and how rich and diverse it has been. Their experience as expat psychologists speaks quite a lot about their ability and efficiency. Speaking to them about this parameter will allow you to learn about the challenges faced by expatriates. You will also get an idea about how the expat therapist addresses those challenges.

Can They Help You Develop Coping Mechanisms for Stressors

Is this point not of utmost importance? Yes, it is. One can face many problems after moving abroad. Adjusting to a new social setting, culture, work-life, climate, etc., might be a challenge for you. Experiencing homesickness is unavoidable and natural. You may already be worrying about how you will cope with a completely new environment. Discussing with the expat therapist how they will help you adjust to the new country will prepare you well for life overseas. That someone has your back will free you of your worries, thus enhancing your confidence to begin life abroad.

Are They Familiar with Local Mental Health Resources in Your To-Be Country

No doubt, you can gain information about the mental health resources in your to-be country from the internet. But wouldn’t it be more desirable and appropriate if you seek the same information from an expat therapist? Undoubtedly, an expat therapist will have more credible and in-depth knowledge about the mental health resources in your to-be country. Hence, discussing this point with your expat psychologist will help you learn how important mental health is in that country. If your country of destination does not have good mental health resources, you can reconsider settling there.

Are They Available for Remote Therapy Sessions

The country you are moving to might not have a good scope for in-person therapy sessions. This could be due to reasons like a limited number of therapists in your locality and city, the fact that therapy as a profession is not popular there, etc. This can pose a problem if you prefer in-person therapy sessions. In such a case, you need to ensure that there is a provision for remote or online therapy sessions. Go ahead and ask your expat counselor if they conduct therapy sessions remotely.

There is no denying the fact that there are many advantages of remote therapy sessions.

How They Address Language Barriers in Therapy Sessions

There is no wonder that one who specializes in expat counseling has to address various kinds of challenges. One of these challenges is the “language barrier.” An expert in expat therapy helps people from all over the world to settle abroad smoothly. This means that the counselor has to communicate with people speaking diverse languages. In doing so, language can become a barrier to effective communication. Surely, the expat counselor manages this problem well. Hence, asking the therapist how they beat language barriers is one of the best questions you can ask them. Knowing from them how they beat the problem of language barrier will help you also beat the same problem.

How They Approach Clients Who Experience Trauma Due to Relocation

One may have moved abroad successfully as in without having to face visa problems, resource problems, personal problems, etc. However, getting adjusted to the new country may have been a challenge, which may have resulted in a traumatic experience. The person must have consulted an expat counselor to cope with that trauma.

Now, you may have all the resources required to move abroad, but you might be worried about what relocating will be like for you. Talk to your expat counselor, learn how they help clients overcome trauma from relocating, and look forward to a happy life abroad.

Wrapping up

You may have a great opportunity to settle abroad and everything you need to begin life there. Still, there are some important things you should consider before you move overseas. Undoubtedly, initially, gaining knowledge about a number of things about life abroad from an expat therapist is a must.

For this reason, you will not find a better platform for personal therapy than personal online therapy. Personal Online Therapy is a reliable platform for online expat counseling, relationship counseling, child psychology, and the like. It offers diverse and personalized therapies, and here, you will find the best counselors from all over the world.

Wait no more! Avail Personal Online Therapy’s high-quality services and be assured of a happy and peaceful life.



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